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SurveyIntegrityErrorType Enumeration

Enumeration of the survey integrity error types

Namespace:  AskiaCore
Assembly:  AskiaCore (in AskiaCore.dll) Version: 6.0.0-build000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
public enum SurveyIntegrityErrorType
  Member nameValueDescription
Undefined0 Undefined error
QuotaQuestionDeleted1 The question within the quota has been deleted
QuotaSubQuestionDeleted2 The sub-question within the quota has been deleted
QuotaResponseDeleted3 The response used in the quota has been deleted
QuotaResponseAdded4 A reponse has been added in the quota question, but no value has been assigned yet
RevisionHistoryIncompatible5 The revision of the survey to update is incompatible with the current survey revision
RevisionHistoryOlderVersion6 The revision of the survey to update is older than the current survey revision
ImportedFieldNotNumeric7 The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation is not numeric
ImportedFieldNotFound8 The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation is not found
NoShortcut9 The question doesn't have a shortcut
ShortcutAlreadyUsed10 Duplicate questions shortcut
LoopWithoutQuestion11 A question loop requires at least one sub-question
NoVisibleQuestion12 The survey doesn't have any visible question
NoScreen13 No screen found in the survey (V5)
NoScreenForQuestion14 No screen found for the question (V5)
QuestionChangedType15 The type of the question has changed
IncompatibleLevel16 The level of the question inside a loop is not compatible with the current survey structure
LastRevisionIncompatible17 The revision of the survey to update is incompatible with the last revision of the current survey
OlderSurveyVersionWillUpgrade18 The version of the survey is older and will be upgraded
UpdateSourceIsOldVersion19 The update source is an old version and the upgrade of the source is required
QuotaQuestionUnavailable20 The quota question seems not available
ImportedFieldNotText21 The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation is not textual
ImportedFieldNotFoundInProject22 The field from the AskiaField project used by the question importation is not found
ImportedFieldNotDatetime23 The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation is not date/time
CharsetRoutingUsed24 The 'Set Charset' routing has been deprecated
QuotaQuestionTypeChanged25 The type of the question used in the quota has been changed
QuotaQuestionImportChanged26 The importation of the question used in the quota has been changed
NoQuestion27 No question
InvalidCharactersInShortcut28 The shortcut of the question contains invalid characters
ShortcutIsRegistredKeyword29 The shortcut of the question is a reserved keyword
LongCaptionMissing30 The long caption of the question is missing
LinkQuestionMissing31 The question used in the link is missing
LinkMustBeClosed32 Link requires a closed question
LinkMustBeBefore33 The question used in the link must be defined before the question that uses it
LevelLinkMustBeALoop34 The level link must be applied on a loop only
LevelLinkMustBeOnSameLevel35 The level link must be applied on loops that are on the same level
CircularLink36 Circular question link reference
NoQuotaInLoop37 Quota in loop is not allowed
LoopWithoutVisibleQuestion38 The loop doesn't have any visible question
QuestionDoesNotSupportQuota39 The question doesn't support quota
MinimumAllowedResponseSuperiorToMaximum40 The minimum allowed responses is higher than the maximum allowed
QuestionTypeNotDefined41 The type of question is not defined
LoopTypeNotDefined42 The type of the loop is not defined
NoResponseDefined43 No response defined in the closed question
ResponseCaptionMissing44 Missing response caption
ResponseAlreadyUsed45 Duplicate response caption
ResponseMustBeExclusiveForBaseType46 The response must be exclusive for the specified base type
EntryCodeAlreadyUsed47 Duplicate response entry code
MaximumResponseNumberMissing48 The maximum number of response is invalid (must be higher than 0)
MinimumResponseNumberSuperiorToMaximum49 The minimum number of responses is higher than the number of responses
RoutingStartQuestionUndefined50 The start question of the routing is not defined
NoResponseSelectedForRouting51 No response selected in the condition of the routing (GUI)
RoutingConditionEmpty52 The condition of the routing is empty
ScriptError53 Script error
RoutingConditionMustBeNumberNotArray54 The condition of the routing must be a number and not an array
RoutingConditionMustBeNumber55 The condition of the routing must be a number
RoutingConditionHasNoType56 The type of the routing condition is not defined (GUI)
RoutingConditionMissingValue57 The value of the routing condition is not defined (GUI)
RoutingConditionMinimumSuperiorToMaximum58 The minimum value of the routing condition is higher than the maximum value (GUI)
RoutingHasNoExecutionTime59 The execution time (before/during/after...) of the routing is not defined
RoutingTargetQuestionUndefined60 The target question of the routing is not defined
RoutingTargetQuestionNotInLoop61 The target question of the routing is not within the same loop
RoutingInvalidInterviewOutputCode62 The output code of the routing to abandon the interview is invalid
RoutingMessageMissing63 The message of the routing is not defined
RoutingIgnoredResponseUndefined64 The responses to ignore are not defined
RoutingCannotSetTargetValue65 Cannot set the value of the target question (chapter or question within a loop)
RoutingMissingDsn66 Missing DSN for the `run SQL Query` routing
RoutingMissingQuery67 Missing query for the `run SQL Query` routing
RoutingMissingProgram68 Missing program path for the `run program` routing
RoutingMissingLanguage69 Missing language for the `set language` routing
RoutingEmailMissingTo70 Missing `to` field for the `send email` routing
RoutingEmailMissingFrom71 Missing `from` field for the `send email` routing
RoutingMissingScenario72 Missing scenario for the `set scenario` routing
RoutingMissingRecordingFilePrefix73 Missing file prefix for the `start recording` routing
RoutingTypeNotDefined74 The action of the routing is not defined
PageNoContainerForQuestion75 The container element of the question is missing
PageInvalidNumberOfElementsInContainer76 Invalid number of elements in the container element
See Also