| Member name | Value | Description |
| Undefined | 0 |
Undefined error
| QuotaQuestionDeleted | 1 |
The question within the quota has been deleted
| QuotaSubQuestionDeleted | 2 |
The sub-question within the quota has been deleted
| QuotaResponseDeleted | 3 |
The response used in the quota has been deleted
| QuotaResponseAdded | 4 |
A reponse has been added in the quota question,
but no value has been assigned yet
| RevisionHistoryIncompatible | 5 |
The revision of the survey to update is incompatible
with the current survey revision
| RevisionHistoryOlderVersion | 6 |
The revision of the survey to update is older
than the current survey revision
| ImportedFieldNotNumeric | 7 |
The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation
is not numeric
| ImportedFieldNotFound | 8 |
The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation
is not found
| NoShortcut | 9 |
The question doesn't have a shortcut
| ShortcutAlreadyUsed | 10 |
Duplicate questions shortcut
| LoopWithoutQuestion | 11 |
A question loop requires at least one sub-question
| NoVisibleQuestion | 12 |
The survey doesn't have any visible question
| NoScreen | 13 |
No screen found in the survey (V5)
| NoScreenForQuestion | 14 |
No screen found for the question (V5)
| QuestionChangedType | 15 |
The type of the question has changed
| IncompatibleLevel | 16 |
The level of the question inside a loop is not compatible
with the current survey structure
| LastRevisionIncompatible | 17 |
The revision of the survey to update is incompatible
with the last revision of the current survey
| OlderSurveyVersionWillUpgrade | 18 |
The version of the survey is older and will be upgraded
| UpdateSourceIsOldVersion | 19 |
The update source is an old version
and the upgrade of the source is required
| QuotaQuestionUnavailable | 20 |
The quota question seems not available
| ImportedFieldNotText | 21 |
The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation
is not textual
| ImportedFieldNotFoundInProject | 22 |
The field from the AskiaField project used by the question importation
is not found
| ImportedFieldNotDatetime | 23 |
The field from the list file (AskiaField) used by the question importation
is not date/time
| CharsetRoutingUsed | 24 |
The 'Set Charset' routing has been deprecated
| QuotaQuestionTypeChanged | 25 |
The type of the question used in the quota has been changed
| QuotaQuestionImportChanged | 26 |
The importation of the question used in the quota has been changed
| NoQuestion | 27 |
No question
| InvalidCharactersInShortcut | 28 |
The shortcut of the question contains invalid characters
| ShortcutIsRegistredKeyword | 29 |
The shortcut of the question is a reserved keyword
| LongCaptionMissing | 30 |
The long caption of the question is missing
| LinkQuestionMissing | 31 |
The question used in the link is missing
| LinkMustBeClosed | 32 |
Link requires a closed question
| LinkMustBeBefore | 33 |
The question used in the link
must be defined before the question that uses it
| LevelLinkMustBeALoop | 34 |
The level link must be applied on a loop only
| LevelLinkMustBeOnSameLevel | 35 |
The level link must be applied on loops that are on the same level
| CircularLink | 36 |
Circular question link reference
| NoQuotaInLoop | 37 |
Quota in loop is not allowed
| LoopWithoutVisibleQuestion | 38 |
The loop doesn't have any visible question
| QuestionDoesNotSupportQuota | 39 |
The question doesn't support quota
| MinimumAllowedResponseSuperiorToMaximum | 40 |
The minimum allowed responses is higher than the maximum allowed
| QuestionTypeNotDefined | 41 |
The type of question is not defined
| LoopTypeNotDefined | 42 |
The type of the loop is not defined
| NoResponseDefined | 43 |
No response defined in the closed question
| ResponseCaptionMissing | 44 |
Missing response caption
| ResponseAlreadyUsed | 45 |
Duplicate response caption
| ResponseMustBeExclusiveForBaseType | 46 |
The response must be exclusive for the specified base type
| EntryCodeAlreadyUsed | 47 |
Duplicate response entry code
| MaximumResponseNumberMissing | 48 |
The maximum number of response is invalid (must be higher than 0)
| MinimumResponseNumberSuperiorToMaximum | 49 |
The minimum number of responses is higher than the number of responses
| RoutingStartQuestionUndefined | 50 |
The start question of the routing is not defined
| NoResponseSelectedForRouting | 51 |
No response selected in the condition of the routing (GUI)
| RoutingConditionEmpty | 52 |
The condition of the routing is empty
| ScriptError | 53 |
Script error
| RoutingConditionMustBeNumberNotArray | 54 |
The condition of the routing must be a number and not an array
| RoutingConditionMustBeNumber | 55 |
The condition of the routing must be a number
| RoutingConditionHasNoType | 56 |
The type of the routing condition is not defined (GUI)
| RoutingConditionMissingValue | 57 |
The value of the routing condition is not defined (GUI)
| RoutingConditionMinimumSuperiorToMaximum | 58 |
The minimum value of the routing condition is higher than the maximum value (GUI)
| RoutingHasNoExecutionTime | 59 |
The execution time (before/during/after...) of the routing is not defined
| RoutingTargetQuestionUndefined | 60 |
The target question of the routing is not defined
| RoutingTargetQuestionNotInLoop | 61 |
The target question of the routing is not within the same loop
| RoutingInvalidInterviewOutputCode | 62 |
The output code of the routing to abandon the interview is invalid
| RoutingMessageMissing | 63 |
The message of the routing is not defined
| RoutingIgnoredResponseUndefined | 64 |
The responses to ignore are not defined
| RoutingCannotSetTargetValue | 65 |
Cannot set the value of the target question (chapter or question within a loop)
| RoutingMissingDsn | 66 |
Missing DSN for the `run SQL Query` routing
| RoutingMissingQuery | 67 |
Missing query for the `run SQL Query` routing
| RoutingMissingProgram | 68 |
Missing program path for the `run program` routing
| RoutingMissingLanguage | 69 |
Missing language for the `set language` routing
| RoutingEmailMissingTo | 70 |
Missing `to` field for the `send email` routing
| RoutingEmailMissingFrom | 71 |
Missing `from` field for the `send email` routing
| RoutingMissingScenario | 72 |
Missing scenario for the `set scenario` routing
| RoutingMissingRecordingFilePrefix | 73 |
Missing file prefix for the `start recording` routing
| RoutingTypeNotDefined | 74 |
The action of the routing is not defined
| PageNoContainerForQuestion | 75 |
The container element of the question is missing
| PageInvalidNumberOfElementsInContainer | 76 |
Invalid number of elements in the container element