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IResponseCollection Interface

Response collection

Namespace:  AskiaCore
Assembly:  AskiaCore (in AskiaCore.dll) Version: 6.0.0-build000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
public interface IResponseCollection : IRecordEntitiesOwner<IResponse>, 
	IEnumerable<IResponse>, IEnumerable

The IResponseCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreate
Creates a new element
(Inherited from IRecordEntitiesOwnerTEntityType.)
Public methodCreate(String)
Creates a new response in the collection given its entry code
Public methodCreate(Int32, Int32)
Creates a new response in the collection given a position
Public methodCreate(Int32, String)
Creates a new response in the collection given a parent and its entry code
Public methodCreate(Int32, Int32, String)
Creates a new response in the collection given a position and a shortcut
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerableIResponse.)
Public methodRemove
Remove a response from the collection given its id
See Also