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ErrorType Enumeration

Enumeration of error type

Namespace:  AskiaCore
Assembly:  AskiaCore (in AskiaCore.dll) Version: 6.0.0-build000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
public enum ErrorType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 Unknown error
NoQuestionnaire1 Could not find the questionnaire
NoControl2 Could not find the control
NoPage3 Could not find the page
MissingQuestion4 Missing question, could not find the specified question.
TODO::Better explain in which case that occurs TODO::If related to ADX probably prefix it
CannotLoadPageTemplate5 Could not load the specified page template
CannotLoadControl6 Could not load the specified control
Script7 Error in AskiaScript
ScriptShortcut8 Error in AskiaScript
TODO::Better explain in which case that occurs
CaptionShortcut9 Error in shortcut caption
TODO::Better explain in which case that occurs
InfiniteLoop10 Possible infinite loop
RunTime11 Runtime error.
The AskiaScript compilation succeed but could not be evaluated at runtime
InvalidLanguage12 Invalid language,
TODO::Better explain in which case that occurs TODO::Maybe the language of the survey
InvalidVersion13 Invalid version,
TODO::Better explain in which case that occurs TODO::Maybe the scenario, in that case change the Version to Scenario
NullPageElement14 The supplied page element is null,
ODBCStartQuery15 Could not execute SQL query,
TODO::Better explain in which case that occurs
ODBCImport16 Could no execute the SQL query to import data.
TODO::Better explain in which case that occurs
AdxMissingProperty17 Missing ADX property.
AdxMissingContent18 Missing ADX content.
AdxInvalidZip19 Invalid ADX file compression.
The zip file is invalid.
AdxInvalidXMLFile20 Invalid ADX config XML file.
AdxInvalidSWFFile21 Invalid ADX Flash file.
AdxMissingFile22 Could not retrieve the file associated with the ADX content.
AdxInvalidXML23 Invalid ADX config XML definition.
AdxMissingCachedFile24 Could not find the dynamic file associated with the ADX content.
AdxNoOutput25 Could not find an ADX output.
AdxOutputConditionError26 Error while interpreting the condition of the ADX output.
AdxBinaryNoDynamic27 A binary file could not be dynamic in ADX.
AdxBinaryNeedsYield28 The `yield` node is require to define how to display arbitrary binary file in ADX.
AdxCannotCreateDirectory29 Unable to create the ADX directory.
AdxTextNoStaticOrShare30 Could not use the `Content.ToText()` method for ADX static/shared files.
AdxMissingAskiaHeadTag31 Missing <askia-head /> tag in the ADX master page.
AdxMissingAskiaFormTag32 Missing <askia-form> tag in the ADX master page.
AdxMissingAskiaFormCloseTag33 Missing </askia-form> close tag in the ADX master page.
AdxMissingAskiaQuestionsTag34 Missing <askia-questions /> tag in the ADX master page.
AdxMissingAskiaFootTag35 Missing <askia-foot /> tag in the ADX master page.
InvalidQuestionId36 The specified question id is invalid
InvalidQuestionPosition37 The specified question position is invalid
InvalidRangeIdsOrder38 The order of IDs into the range are incorrect
UnableToMoveQuestionsOrElements39 Could not move questions or elements
UnableToIndentQuestionsOrElements40 Could not indent questions or elements
UnableToUnindentQuestionsOrElements41 Could not unindent questions or elements
UnableToSaveStructureModifications42 Could not save structure modifications
InvalidElementId43 The specified element id is invalid
UnmovableElementType44 The specified element type cannot be moved
InvalidElementMove45 The specified element move is invalid
InvalidRoutingId46 The specified routing id is invalid
InvalidRoutingName47 The supplied routing name is invalid.
NonUniqueRoutingName48 The supplied routing name is not unique.
InvalidRoutingCondition49 The supplied routing condition is not valid.
InvalidRoutingPosition50 The supplied routing position is not valid.
InvalidScenarioName54 The supplied scenario name is invalid.
NonUniqueScenarioName55 The supplied scenario name is not unique.
See Also