Logs |
Store all the logs of AskiaPortal and optionally of modules.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | INT IDENTITY NOT NULL | ID of the log. |
CreatedAt | DATETIME NOT NULL | Date of the creation in UTC. |
MachineName | NVARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL | Name of the machine that perform the action |
AskiaPortalCmnVersion | NVARCHAR(20) NULLABLE | Version of the AskiaPortalCmn API |
ContextGuid | UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULLABLE | Normally only one per request. |
ModuleGuid | UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULLABLE | GUID of the module. |
ModuleVersion | NVARCHAR(20) NULLABLE | Version of the module. |
ApplicationId | INT NULLABLE | Id of the application. |
SessionGuid | UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULLABLE | GUID of the user session. |
UserId | INT NULLABLE | Id of the user. |
SurveyId | INT NULLABLE | Id of the survey. |
Type | INT NOT NULL | Type of the log.
Level | INT NOT NULL | Level of the log.
Message | NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL | Message to log |