ConfigKey Enumeration |
Namespace: AskiaPortalCmn.Configuration
Member name | Value | Description | |
DatabaseVersion | 0 | Version of the database | |
DatabaseState | 1 | State of the database (installing, installed, ready) | |
ConfigTimestamp | 2 | Timestamp of the config (last config update) | |
InstanceGuid | 3 | Identifier of the AskiaPortal instance. | |
InstanceData | 4 | Encrypted AskiaPortal instance information. | |
InstanceUsage | 5 | Encrypted information about the instance usage. | |
LicensesUsage | 6 | Encrypted information about the licenses usage. | |
AskiaLicenseUrl | 7 | URL to reach the AskiaLicense server. | |
AskiaPortalRootUrl | 8 | URL to the root of `AskiaPortal` web application. | |
EncryptionKey | 9 | Key to encrypt internal messages. | |
UserKeyTimeoutInHour | 10 |
Timeout of user key in hours. The user key is an encrypted string to activate an account, reset password...). | |
DefaultGroupId | 11 | Id of the default group when create a new user. | |
DefaultUserProfileId | 12 | Id of the default user profile when create a new user. | |
DefaultModuleGuid | 13 | Guid of the default module when create a new user. | |
DefaultLanguageId | 14 | Id of the default language when create a new user. | |
ActivateAccountEmailId | 15 | Id of the email to send to activate a user account. | |
AllowSelfAccountRegistration | 16 |
Indicates if the user is allowed to self register his account. In other words, if an anonymous user is allowed to create himself. | |
AllowSelfAccountActivation | 17 |
Indicates if the user is allowed to self activate his account. In other words, if the user is allowed to send an activation link after his registration. | |
ResetPasswordEmailId | 18 | Id of the email to send to reset a user password. | |
DefaultSmtpServerId | 19 | Id of the default SMTP server to send emails. | |
EmailSenderAddress | 20 | Email address used to send email. | |
EmailSenderDisplayName | 21 | Display name associated with the email address to send email. | |
EmailDisplayNameFormat | 22 | Format of the user name associated with the user email. | |
SessionTimeoutInMin | 23 |
Timeout of the session (in minutes). Value inferior or equal to zero mean unlimited session. | |
MaxSessionLifeTimeInHour | 24 |
Maximum life time of a session (in hours). Value inferior or equal to zero mean unlimited session life time. | |
MinPasswordLength | 25 |
Minimum password length. This value could be redefined but the password length cannot be lower than 8. | |
PasswordChangedEmailId | 26 | Id of the email to send after the modification of the user password. | |
PasswordResetFrequencyInMonth | 27 | Period of time after which the user must change his password. Zero means that user would never be asked to do so. | |
AskiaPortalEventsDatabase | 28 | Connection string of the AskiaPortalEvents Database | |
AllowedImagesExtensions | 29 | Extensions allowed for images (in glob format, example: *.png,*.jpeg,*.jpg). | |
MaxImagesFileSizeInKb | 30 | Maximum file size allowed for images (in kilobytes). | |
VerboseLog | 31 | Defines the level of the log verbosity. If value is true than the logs includes also the Log.Debug entries. | |
MessageBrokerHostName | 32 | Name of the host of the message broker. Typically, IP server address | |
MessageBrokerUserName | 33 | Username to log in to the message broker | |
MessageBrokerPassword | 34 | Password to log in to the message broker | |
MessageBrokerVirtualHost | 35 | Virtual host to the message broker | |
LogPath | 36 | Path to the logs |