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ConfigKey Enumeration

Possible keys for the config in `askiaportal` namespace.

Namespace:  AskiaPortalCmn.Configuration
Assembly:  AskiaPortalCmn (in AskiaPortalCmn.dll) Version: 1.7.0-build068
public enum ConfigKey
  Member nameValueDescription
DatabaseVersion0 Version of the database
DatabaseState1 State of the database (installing, installed, ready)
ConfigTimestamp2 Timestamp of the config (last config update)
InstanceGuid3 Identifier of the AskiaPortal instance.
InstanceData4 Encrypted AskiaPortal instance information.
InstanceUsage5 Encrypted information about the instance usage.
LicensesUsage6 Encrypted information about the licenses usage.
AskiaLicenseUrl7 URL to reach the AskiaLicense server.
AskiaPortalRootUrl8 URL to the root of `AskiaPortal` web application.
EncryptionKey9 Key to encrypt internal messages.
UserKeyTimeoutInHour10 Timeout of user key in hours.
The user key is an encrypted string to activate an account, reset password...).
DefaultGroupId11 Id of the default group when create a new user.
DefaultUserProfileId12 Id of the default user profile when create a new user.
DefaultModuleGuid13 Guid of the default module when create a new user.
DefaultLanguageId14 Id of the default language when create a new user.
ActivateAccountEmailId15 Id of the email to send to activate a user account.
AllowSelfAccountRegistration16 Indicates if the user is allowed to self register his account.
In other words, if an anonymous user is allowed to create himself.
AllowSelfAccountActivation17 Indicates if the user is allowed to self activate his account.
In other words, if the user is allowed to send an activation link after his registration.
ResetPasswordEmailId18 Id of the email to send to reset a user password.
DefaultSmtpServerId19 Id of the default SMTP server to send emails.
EmailSenderAddress20 Email address used to send email.
EmailSenderDisplayName21 Display name associated with the email address to send email.
EmailDisplayNameFormat22 Format of the user name associated with the user email.
SessionTimeoutInMin23 Timeout of the session (in minutes).
Value inferior or equal to zero mean unlimited session.
MaxSessionLifeTimeInHour24 Maximum life time of a session (in hours).
Value inferior or equal to zero mean unlimited session life time.
MinPasswordLength25 Minimum password length.
This value could be redefined but the password length cannot be lower than 8.
PasswordChangedEmailId26 Id of the email to send after the modification of the user password.
PasswordResetFrequencyInMonth27 Period of time after which the user must change his password. Zero means that user would never be asked to do so.
AskiaPortalEventsDatabase28 Connection string of the AskiaPortalEvents Database
AllowedImagesExtensions29 Extensions allowed for images (in glob format, example: *.png,*.jpeg,*.jpg).
MaxImagesFileSizeInKb30 Maximum file size allowed for images (in kilobytes).
VerboseLog31 Defines the level of the log verbosity. If value is true than the logs includes also the Log.Debug entries.
MessageBrokerHostName32 Name of the host of the message broker. Typically, IP server address
MessageBrokerUserName33 Username to log in to the message broker
MessageBrokerPassword34 Password to log in to the message broker
MessageBrokerVirtualHost35 Virtual host to the message broker
LogPath36 Path to the logs
See Also