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IPermissionsChange Method (String, AccessLevel, NullableGuid)

Change the value of the specified permission.
It will not save the change in the database unless you explicitly call the Save method.

Namespace:  AskiaPortalCmn.Common
Assembly:  AskiaPortalCmn (in AskiaPortalCmn.dll) Version: 1.7.0-build068
IReturnValue Change(
	string key,
	AccessLevel level,
	Nullable<Guid> moduleGuid = null


Type: SystemString
Indicates the permission to modify
Type: AskiaPortalCmnAccessLevel
Indicates the value to set
moduleGuid (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableGuid
Indicates the GUID of the module that contains the permission
It uses the current module CurrentModule if the value is null

Return Value

Type: IReturnValue
It return unsuccess value, if the user in the context doesn't have enough permission to do this action
Administrator allowed to modify the permission of a user, could not change permission higher than his own permission.
It will not save the change in the database unless you explicitly call the Save method.

The user A (in the context) have the following permissions on the current module:
- resources: Create and edit
- filters: Create and edit

The user B (the user to edit) have the following permissions:
- resources: Full control
- filters: Read only

using system;
using AskiaPortalCmn;

namespace MyApp 
    class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
                // Initialize the current module

                // Authenticate the userA in the context
                var context = ContextFactory.CreateByLoginAndPassword("userA", "secret");
                var contextValidation = context.Validate();
                if (!contextValidation.Success)

                // Search the userB
                IUser userB = UserFactory.FindByGuid(context, Guid.Parse("20BE5F84-F006-49A0-9674-4B16A090AF2D"));
                if (userB == null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find the user with the specified guid");

                // Case 1. The user in the context try to modify the permission 
                // of a user that have higher permission

                // The userA (in the context) have the permission to CreateAndEdit `resources`
                // The userB have the FullControl permission on `resources`
                var changeResult1 = userB.Permissions.Change("resources", AccessLevel.ReadOnly, AskiaPortalCmnApi.CurrentModule.Guid);
                if (changeResult1.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Permission `resources` successfully changed to read-only");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("You're permission item `resources` is lower than the userB permission");

                // --> Produce
                // "You're permission item `resources` is lower than the userB permission"

                // Case 2. The user in the context try to set a permission 
                // higher than it's own permission

                // The userA (in the context) have the permission to CreateAndEdit `filters`
                // The userB have the permission to ReadOnly `filters`
                var changeResult2 = userB.Permissions.Change("filters", AccessLevel.FullControl, AskiaPortalCmnApi.CurrentModule.Guid);
                if (changeResult2.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Permission `filters` successfully changed to FullControl");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("You're permission item `filters` is lower than the permission you want to set");

                // --> Produce
                // "You're permission item `filters` is lower than the permission you want to set"

                // Case 3. The user in the context try to set a permission 
                // equal to it's own permission

                // The userA (in the context) have the permission to CreateAndEdit `filters`
                // The userB have the permission to ReadOnly `filters`
                var changeResult3 = userB.Permissions.Change("filters", AccessLevel.CreateAndEdit, AskiaPortalCmnApi.CurrentModule.Guid);
                if (changeResult3.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Permission `filters` successfully changed to CreateAndEdit");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("You don't have enough right to change the userB");

                // --> Produce
                // "Permission `filters` successfully changed to CreateAndEdit"
See Also