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Getting Started

If you want to use AskiaCore but you don't know where to begin, you are in the correct place. AskiaCore is mainly used as a dependency to build softwares related to Askia's environment. To begin you will need a Windows machine with VisualStudio installed.

Description of Assemblies/Dlls


AskCmn is the library written in MFC C++ containing the main engine and algorithms of Askia.


There are two AskiaCoreInternal dlls, one for 32bit systems and one for 64bit systems. In each case AskiaCoreInternal is written in C++/CLI and contains the implementation of AskiaCore and serves as a bridge between AskCmn and AskiaCore's interface.


AskiaCore.dll is the .NET public interface of AskiaCore and is written in C#.

Installing AskiaCore

Using NuGet

  1. In Microsoft Visual Studio add a new NuGet source that points to:

    Askia NuGet Repository
  2. Browse this new NuGet package repository.

  3. If you desire you can tick the box Include pre-release to browse the list of alpha versions.

  4. Install the AskiaCore package.

See Also

Other Resources