ExceptionCode Enumeration |
Namespace: AskiaPortalCmn.Exceptions
Member name | Value | Description | |
InvalidInputData | 4000 | Invalid input data. (4000) | |
InvalidContext | 4001 | Invalid context of execution. (4001) | |
UserAccountNotFound | 4002 | The user account was not found. (4002) | |
UserAccountDisable | 4003 | The user account is disable. (4003) | |
InvalidLoginOrPassword | 4004 | Invalid login or password. (4004) | |
GroupNameCouldNotBeEmpty | 4005 | The name of the group could not be empty. (4005) | |
GroupNameAlreadyExist | 4006 | The name of the group `{0}` already exist. (4006) | |
InvalidActionUserNotAuthenticated | 4007 | Unable to do this action (`{0}`) because the user was not authenticated. (4007) | |
NotAllowedToCreateOrEditGroup | 4008 | No enough permission to create or edit group. (4008) | |
NotAllowedToCreateRootGroup | 4009 | No enough permission to create a root group. (4009) | |
NotAllowedToCreateThisChildGroup | 4010 | No enough permission to create a child to this group. (4010) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisGroup | 4011 | No enough permission to edit this group. (4011) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisGroup | 4012 | No enough permission to delete this group. (4012) | |
UnableToDeleteDefaultGroupOrUsedInConfig | 4013 | Unable to delete the group used in the configuration or default `Administrator` group. (4013) | |
UnableToDeleteGroupWithUsers | 4014 | Unable to delete group that contains non-deleted users. (4014) | |
UnableToDeleteGroupWithGroups | 4015 | Unable to delete group that contains non-deleted groups. (4015) | |
NotAllowedToChangeUserPassword | 4016 | No enough permission to change the password of this user. (4016) | |
UnableToSetInvalidPassword | 4017 | Unable to change the password because it's invalid. (4017) | |
NotAllowedToPromoteAsSuperAdmin | 4018 | No enough permission to promote user as a super-administrator. (4018) | |
NotAllowedToDemoteASuperAdmin | 4019 | No enough permission to demote a super-administrator. (4019) | |
NotAllowedToChangeGroup | 4020 | Not enough permissions to change the group of the user. (4020) | |
UserFirstNameOrLastNameRequired | 4021 | The user first name or last name is required. (4021) | |
InvalidUserEmail | 4022 | The user email address is invalid. (4022) | |
InvalidUserLogin | 4023 | The user login is invalid. (4023) | |
InvalidUserPassword | 4024 | The user password is invalid. (4024) | |
InvalidUserPasswordSalt | 4025 | The user password salt is invalid. (4025) | |
UserLoginAlreadyExist | 4026 | The login `{0}` already exist. (4026) | |
UserEmailAlreadyExist | 4027 | The email address `{0}` already exist. (4027) | |
NotAllowedToViewThisUser | 4028 | No enough permission to view this user. (4028) | |
InvalidModuleGuid | 4029 | The module identifier is invalid. (4029) | |
InvalidLanguageId | 4030 | The language identifier is invalid. (4030) | |
UnableToRegisterExistingUser | 4031 | Unable to register an existing user. (4031) | |
UnableToRegisterASuperAdmin | 4032 | Unable to register a super-administrator. (4032) | |
NotAllowedToChangeUserState | 4033 | No enough permission to change the user account state. (4033) | |
UnableToRegisterADeletedUser | 4034 | Unable to register a deleted user. (4034) | |
UnableToRegisterActiveUser | 4035 | Unable to register an activated user. (4035) | |
UnableToRegisterUserToNonDefaultGroup | 4036 | The user must be register in the default group. (4036) | |
NotAllowedToRegisterNewUserAccount | 4037 | No enough permission to register a new user account. (4037) | |
UnableToActivateNewUser | 4038 | Unable to activate a new user. (4038) | |
UnableToActivateAnotherUser | 4039 | Unable to activate an another user. (4039) | |
UserMustBeMemberOfAGroup | 4040 | A user must be a member of a group. (4040) | |
UnableToPromoteOrDemoteDuringActivation | 4041 | Unable to promote or demote the user during the activation. (4041) | |
UnableToActivateADeletedUser | 4042 | Unable to activate a deleted user. (4042) | |
UnableToActivateNonValidatedUser | 4043 | Unable to activate a non validated user. (4043) | |
NotAllowedToChangeHisOwnGroupMembership | 4044 | A user is not allowed to change his own group membership. (4044) | |
NotAllowedToPromoteOrDemoteYourself | 4045 | A user is not allowed to promote or demote himself. (4045) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisUser | 4046 | No enough permission to edit this user. (4046) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisUser | 4047 | No enough permission to delete this user. (4047) | |
UnableToDeleteTheSuperAdministrator | 4048 | Unable to delete the super administrator. (4048) | |
NotAllowedToRestoreThisGroup | 4049 | No enough permission to restore this group. (4049) | |
NotAllowedToRestoreThisUser | 4050 | No enough permission to restore this user. (4050) | |
NotAllowedToChangeThisUserPermission | 4051 | No enough permission to change the permissions of this user. (4051) | |
NotAllowedToDowngradeThePermission | 4052 | No enough permission to downgrade the `{0}` permission(s) of this user. (4052) | |
NotAllowedToUpgradeThePermission | 4053 | No enough permission to upgrade the `{0}` permission(s) of this user. (4053) | |
NotAllowedToChangeGroupsManagedByThisUser | 4054 | No enough permission to change the groups managed by this user. (4054) | |
NotAllowedToAddOrRemoveManagementOfGroups | 4055 | No enough permission to add or remove the management of at least one of the specified groups. (4055) | |
LanguageKeyRequired | 4056 | The language key is required. (4056) | |
LanguageNameRequired | 4057 | The language name is required. (4057) | |
UnableToDisableDefaultLanguage | 4058 | Unable to disable the default language. (4058) | |
LanguageKeyOrNameAlreadyExist | 4059 | The key or the name of the language already exist. (4059) | |
NotAllowedToEditLanguage | 4060 | No enough permission to edit a language. (4060) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteLanguage | 4061 | No enough permission to delete a language. (4061) | |
UnableToDeleteLanguageUsedInConfig | 4062 | Unable to delete a language used in the configuration. (4062) | |
UnableToDeleteTheReferenceLanguage | 4063 | Unable to delete the reference language. (4063) | |
NotAllowedToChangeLastConnectionAtOfAnotherUser | 4064 | A user is not allowed to change the last connection date of another user. (4064) | |
NotAllowedToChangeModulesAccess | 4065 | No enough permission to change the modules access. (4065) | |
UnableToSaveModulesAccessOfNonExistingItem | 4066 | Unable to save modules access of non-existing item. (4066) | |
InvalidUserEncryptedKey | 4067 | Invalid user key. (4067) | |
NotAllowedToAccessModule | 4068 | No enough permission to access the module. (4068) | |
SurveyNameCouldNotBeEmpty | 4069 | The name of the survey could not be empty. (4069) | |
SurveyNameAlreadyExist | 4070 | The name of the survey `{0}` already exist. (4070) | |
NotAllowedToCreateSurveys | 4071 | No enough permission to create surveys. (4071) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisSurvey | 4072 | No enough permission to edit this survey. (4072) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisSurvey | 4073 | No enough permission to delete this survey. (4073) | |
NotAllowedToRestoreThisSurvey | 4074 | No enough permission to restore this survey. (4074) | |
ShareObjectTypeCouldNotBeEmpty | 4075 | The type of object to share could not be empty. (4075) | |
ShareGroupContactIdRequired | 4076 | The group identifier is required for this share. (4076) | |
ShareUserContactIdRequired | 4077 | The user identifier is required for this share. (4077) | |
ObjectAlreadyShareToContact | 4078 | The object has already been shared to this contact. (4078) | |
InvalidContactId | 4079 | The contact identifier is invalid. (4079) | |
InvalidSurveyId | 4080 | The survey identifier is invalid. (4080) | |
NotAllowedToCreateOrEditThisShare | 4081 | No enough permission to create or edit this share. (4081) | |
NotAllowedToReShareThisObject | 4082 | No enough permission to re-share this object. (4082) | |
UnableToSetHigherSharePermission | 4083 | Unable to set higher share permission. (4083) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisShare | 4084 | No enough permission to delete this share. (4084) | |
IncompatibleDatabaseVersion | 4085 | The database version is not compatible with the current AskiaPortalCmn API. (4085) | |
NotAllowedToChangeGroupsReachableByThisUser | 4088 | No enough permission to change the groups reachable by this user. (4088) | |
NotAllowedToAddOrRemoveReachableGroup | 4089 | No enough permission to add or remove reachable group. (4089) | |
NotAllowedToChangeGroupsReachableByThisGroup | 4090 | No enough permission to change the groups reachable by this group. (4090) | |
NotAllowedToShareWithNoReachableContact | 4091 | No enough permission to share with this contact. (4091) | |
NotAllowedToChangeTheConfiguration | 4092 | No enough permission to change the configuration. (4092) | |
NotAllowedToReloadTheConfiguration | 4093 | No enough permission to reload the configuration. (4093) | |
InvalidConfigValueType | 4094 | Expected the configuration item `{0}` to be `{1}`. | |
EmailNameCouldNotBeEmpty | 4095 | The name of the email could not be empty. (4095) | |
EmailNameAlreadyExist | 4096 | The name of the email `{0}` already exist. (4096) | |
NotAllowedToCreateEmails | 4097 | No enough permission to create emails. (4097) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisEmail | 4098 | No enough permission to edit this email. (4098) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisEmail | 4099 | No enough permission to delete this email. (4099) | |
NotAllowedToRestoreThisEmail | 4100 | No enough permission to restore this email. (4100) | |
UnableToSaveEmailTranslationBeforeToSaveEmail | 4101 | Unable to save the email translation before to save the email. (4101) | |
EmailSubjectCouldNotBeEmpty | 4102 | The subject of the email could not be empty. (4102) | |
EmailBodyCouldNotBeEmpty | 4103 | The body of the email could not be empty. (4103) | |
DefaultEmailTranslationRequired | 4104 | The email translation for the default language is required. (4104) | |
UnableToDeleteEmailUsedInConfig | 4105 | Unable to delete an email used in the configuration. (4105) | |
UnableToFindEmailTranslation | 4106 | Unable to find the email translation. (4106) | |
UnableToSendEmailToUnsavedUser | 4107 | Unable to send email to an unsaved user. (4107) | |
UnableToSendEmailSmtpHostUndefined | 4108 | Unable to send email because the SMTP host is not defined. (4108) | |
UnableToSendEmailSenderUndefined | 4109 | Unable to send email because the sender email is not defined. (4109) | |
UserProfileNameCouldNotBeEmpty | 4110 | The name of the user profile could not be empty. (4110) | |
UserProfileNameAlreadyExist | 4111 | The name of the user profile `{0}` already exist. (4111) | |
NotAllowedToCreateUserProfiles | 4112 | No enough permission to create user profiles. (4112) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisUserProfile | 4113 | No enough permission to edit this user profile. (4113) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisUserProfile | 4114 | No enough permission to delete this user profile. (4114) | |
NotAllowedToRestoreThisUserProfile | 4115 | No enough permission to restore this user profile. (4115) | |
UnableToDeleteUserProfileUsedInConfig | 4116 | Unable to delete an user profile used in the configuration. (4116) | |
NotAllowedToChangeThisSettings | 4117 | No enough permission to change this settings. (4117) | |
UnableToSaveManagedGroupsOfNonExistingUser | 4118 | Unable to save managed groups of non-existing user. (4118) | |
UnableToSavePermissionsOfNonExistingItem | 4119 | Unable to save permissions of non-existing item. (4119) | |
UnableToSaveMembershipsOfNonExistingUser | 4120 | Unable to save memberships of non-existing user. (4120) | |
UnableToSaveReachableGroupsOfNonExstingUser | 4121 | Unable to save groups reachable by a non-existing user. (4121) | |
UnableToSaveReachableGroupsOfNonExstingGroup | 4122 | Unable to save groups reachable by a non-existing group. (4122) | |
UnableToSaveSettingsOfNonExistingItem | 4123 | Unable to save settings of non-existing item. (4123) | |
UserEncryptedKeyExpired | 4124 | The user key was expired. (4124) | |
UnableToBuildSessionKeyForThisContext | 4125 | Unable to build a session key for this context. (4125) | |
InvalidSessionKey | 4126 | Invalid session key. (4126) | |
SessionExpired | 4127 | The session was expired. (4127) | |
NotAllowedToChangeUserProfile | 4128 | No enough permission to change the user profile. (4128) | |
NotAccessibleOrInvalidUserProfileId | 4129 | Not accessible or invalid user profile id. (4129) | |
ServerTypeCouldNotBeEmpty | 4130 | The type of the server could not be empty. (4130) | |
ServerNameCouldNotBeEmpty | 4131 | The name of the server could not be empty. (4131) | |
ServerNameAlreadyExist | 4132 | The name of the server `{0}` already exist. (4132) | |
NotAllowedToCreateServers | 4133 | No enough permission to create servers. (4133) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisServer | 4134 | No enough permission to edit this server. (4134) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisServer | 4135 | No enough permission to delete this server. (4135) | |
NotAllowedToRestoreThisServer | 4136 | No enough permission to restore this server. (4136) | |
UnableToDeleteServerUsedInConfig | 4137 | Unable to delete a server used in the configuration. (4137) | |
NotAllowedToEditTheMasterServer | 4138 | No enough permission to edit the master server. (4138) | |
UnableToMakeServerSlaveOfItself | 4139 | Unable to make the server slave of itself. (4139) | |
MasterServerCouldNotBeSlave | 4140 | A master server could not be a slave server. (4140) | |
MasterAndSlaveServerMustHaveTheSameType | 4141 | Master and slave server must have the same type. (4141) | |
InvalidSmtpConnectionString | 4142 | Invalid SMTP connection string. (4142) | |
InvalidSocketConnectionString | 4143 | Invalid socket connection string. (4143) | |
NotAllowedToViewThisServer | 4144 | No enough permission to view this server. (4144) | |
UnableToDeleteUserProfileCurrentlyUsed | 4145 | Unable to delete an user profile currently used. (4145) | |
UnableToDeleteServerCurrentlyUsed | 4146 | Unable to delete a server currently used. (4146) | |
UnableToDeleteMasterServer | 4147 | Unable to delete a master server. (4147) | |
UnableToDeleteLanguageCurrentlyUsed | 4148 | Unable to delete a language currently used. (4148) | |
PasswordAndConfirmationDoesntMatch | 4149 | The password and his confirmation doesn't match. (4149) | |
ActualPasswordDoesntMatch | 4150 | The actual password doesn't match. (4150) | |
ItemNotFound | 4151 | Could not find the specified item. (4151) | |
UserTokenKeyCouldNotBeEmpty | 4152 | The key of the user token could not be empty. (4152) | |
UserTokenKeyAlreadyExist | 4153 | A user token with the specified key `{0}` already exist. (4153) | |
UserTokenValueCouldNotBeEmpty | 4154 | The value of the user token could not be empty. (4154) | |
UserTokenValueAlreadyExist | 4155 | The user token `{0}` already exist. (4155) | |
NotAllowedToChangeLastSessionUsageOfAnotherUser | 4156 | A user is not allowed to change the last session user of another user. (4156) | |
SessionDisconnected | 4157 | The session has been disconnected. (4157) | |
LicenseBlocked | 4158 | The license has been blocked. (4158) | |
UnableToFindActiveAccountEmail | 4159 | Unable to find the email to activate the account. (4159) | |
InvalidInitialLicenseToken | 4160 | The initial license token is invalid. (4160) | |
InstanceAlreadySyncWithDifferentLicenses | 4161 | The current instance of AskiaPortal is already synchronized with different licenses. (4161) | |
InvalidAskiaPortalInstanceGuid | 4162 | The AskiaPortal instance GUID is invalid. (4162) | |
InvalidAskiaPortalInstanceName | 4163 | The AskiaPortal instance name is invalid. (4163) | |
InvalidAskiaPortalInstanceCompanyName | 4164 | The AskiaPortal instance company name is invalid. (4164) | |
InvalidAskiaPortalInstanceSyncToken | 4165 | The AskiaPortal instance synchronization token is invalid. (4165) | |
InvalidAskiaPortalInstanceSerializedString | 4166 | The AskiaPortal instance serialized string is invalid. (4166) | |
LicenseExpired | 4167 | The license has expired. (4167) | |
ServerGuidAlreadyExist | 4168 | The GUID of the server `{0}` already exist. (4168) | |
NotAllowedToFetchLicenses | 4169 | Only super administrator account can fetch licenses. (4169) | |
AskiaPortalInstanceIsDeleted | 4170 | The current AskiaPortal instance is marked as deleted. (4170) | |
AskiaPortalInstanceIsBlocked | 4171 | The current AskiaPortal instance has been blocked. (4171) | |
NoLicenseDefined | 4172 | No license defined for the current AskiaPortal instance. (4172) | |
NoMainLicenseDefined | 4173 | No main license defined for the current AskiaPortal instance. (4173) | |
SeveralMainLicensesDefined | 4174 | Several main licenses defined for the current AskiaPortal instance. (4174) | |
MaxUsersAccessReachedForThisMonth | 4175 | The maximum number of allowed users to access AskiaPortal has been reached for this month. (4175) | |
PasswordDoesNotMatchTheAcceptanceCriteria | 4176 | Password length must be minimum {0} characters, must contains at least a digit, a letter and a special character. (4176) | |
PasswordMustBeDifferentFromCurrent | 4177 | Your new password must be different from current one. (4177) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisUserResource | 4178 | No enough permission to edit the user's resource. (4178) | |
UnableToSetNotAllowedImageExtension | 4179 | Unable to set the image, allowed image extensions are {0}. (4179) | |
UnableToSetTooLargeImage | 4180 | Unable to set the image, the maximum file size is {0}kb. (4180) | |
UnableToSaveResourcesOfNonExistingUser | 4181 | Unable to save resources of non-existing user. (4181) | |
NotAllowedToChangeTheModule | 4182 | No enough permission to change the module. (4182) | |
UnableToAccessDisabledModule | 4183 | Unable to access `{0}`, the module is disabled. (4183) | |
ApplicationNameCouldNotBeEmpty | 4184 | The name of the application could not be empty. (4184) | |
ApplicationNameAlreadyExist | 4185 | The name of the application `{0}` already exist. (4185) | |
NotAllowedToCreateApplications | 4186 | No enough permission to create applications. (4186) | |
NotAllowedToEditThisApplication | 4187 | No enough permission to edit this application. (4187) | |
NotAllowedToDeleteThisApplication | 4188 | No enough permission to delete this application. (4188) | |
NotAllowedToRestoreThisApplication | 4189 | No enough permission to restore this application. (4189) | |
NotAllowedToAccessTheApplication | 4190 | No enough permission to access the application. (4190) | |
InvalidApplicationInContext | 4191 | Invalid application in the context. (4191) | |
UserAccountAlreadyInUse | 4192 | The user account is already in use. (4192) | |
InvalidInvalidItemValue | 4193 | Invalid value to invalidate the item. (4193) | |
NotAccessibleOrInvalidGroupId | 4194 | Not accessible or invalid group id. (4194) | |
HtmlNotAllowedInFieldValue | 4195 | Field that does not allow html contains html syntax. (4195) | |
XssNotAllowedInFieldValue | 4196 | Field that allows html contains xss syntax. (4196) | |
DictionaryAlreadyContainsThisKey | 4197 | Sanitized value is already defined as a key for the key value pair. (4197) | |
Unknown | 5000 | Unknown exception. (5000) | |
UnableToLoadConfigDirectoryNotFound | 5001 | Unable to load the configuration because the directory `{0}` was not found. (5001) | |
UnableToLoadConfigFileNotFound | 5002 | Unable to load the configuration because the file `{0}` was not found. (5002) | |
UnableToLoadConfigInvalidXmlRoot | 5003 | Unable to load the configuration file `{0}` because the XML root node is invalid (Expected `{1}`). (5003) | |
UnableToLoadConfigMissingXmlAttr | 5004 | Unable to load the configuration file `{0}` because the attribute `{1}` in the XML node `{2}` is missing. (5004) | |
UnableToLoadConfigMissingXmlNodeOrChildNodes | 5005 | Unable to load the configuration file `{0}` because the XML node `{1}` or his child-nodes are missing. (5005) | |
UnableToLoadConfigMissingSettings | 5006 | Unable to load the configuration file `{0}` because the settings `{1}` is missing. (5006) | |
UnableToLoadConfigEmptyConnectionString | 5007 | Unable to load the configuration file `{0}` because the database connection string is empty. (5007) | |
UnableToCastConfigItemToInt | 5008 | Unable to cast the config item `{1}` (`{0}`) to an integer. (5008) | |
UnableToCastConfigItemToDouble | 5009 | Unable to cast the config item `{1}` (`{0}`) to a double. (5009) | |
UnableToCastConfigItemToBool | 5010 | Unable to cast the config item `{1}` (`{0}`) to a boolean. (5010) | |
UnableToCastConfigItemToGuid | 5011 | Unable to cast the config item `{1}` (`{0}`) to a GUID. (5011) | |
UnableToSaveOwnerEntity | 5012 | Unexpected exception while trying to save `{0}` entity in database. (5012) | |
UnableToDeleteOwnerEntity | 5013 | Unexpected exception while trying to delete `{0}` entity in database. (5013) | |
UnableToReloadOwnerEntityRecordNotFound | 5014 | Unable to reload `{0}` because the record was not found. (5014) | |
UnableToInitNotFoundModule | 5015 | Unable to initialize the module with the GUID `{0}` because it was not found. (5015) | |
UnableToChangeConfigKeyNotFound | 5016 | Unable to change the configuration because the key `{0}` was not found. (5016) | |
UnableToSendEmailSmtpClientThrown | 5017 | Unable to send the email, the SMTP client thrown an exception. (5017) | |
UnableToSendSomeEmailsSmtpClientThrown | 5018 | {0} email(s) has not been sent, the SMTP client thrown exception(s). (5018) | |
UnableToDeleteEntityReferences | 5019 | Unexpected exception while trying to delete `{1}` references of the `{0}` entity in database. (5019) | |
InvalidLicense | 5020 | Invalid license. (5020) | |
UnableToGetSessionFromAskiaLicenseServer | 5021 | Unable to get session from AskiaLicense server. The HTTP status code is {0}. (5021) | |
UnableToGetHttpHeadersFromAskiaLicenseServer | 5022 | Unable to get the HTTP headers from the AskiaLicense server. (5022) | |
UnableToGetSessionKeyFromAskiaLicenseServer | 5023 | Unable to get the session key from the AskiaLicense server. (5023) | |
InvalidResponseFromAskiaLicenseServer | 5024 | Invalid response from the AskiaLicense server. (5024) | |
UnableToCreateAskiaLicenseServerSession | 5025 | Unable to create an AskiaLicense server session. The HTTP status code is {0}. (5025) | |
InvalidInstanceMetaDataInConfig | 5026 | The instance meta data in the config is invalid. (5026) | |
UnableToSyncWithAskiaLicenseServer | 5027 | Unable to synchronize with AskiaLicense server. The HTTP status code is {0}. (5027) | |
InstanceNotInitialized | 5028 | AskiaPortal instance has not yet been initialized and synchronized with AskiaLicense server. (5028) | |
InvalidLicenseUsage | 5029 | Invalid license usage. (5029) | |
InvalidLicensesUsageInConfig | 5030 | The licenses usage in the config is invalid. (5030) | |
InvalidLicensesUsageInUser | 5031 | The licenses usage information for the user is invalid. (5031) | |
LastUsageIsNotFromCurrentMonth | 5032 | The last usage is not from the current month. (5032) | |
OutdatedLicensesUsageInConfig | 5033 | The licenses usage in the config is outdated. (5033) | |
InvalidInstanceUsageInConfig | 5034 | The instance usage in the config is invalid. (5034) | |
OutdatedInstanceUsageInConfig | 5035 | The instance usage in the config is outdated. (5035) | |
UnableToPushUsageToAskiaLicenseServer | 5036 | Unable to push usage to AskiaLicense server. The HTTP status code is {0}. (5036) | |
InvalidAskiaPortalInstance | 5037 | Invalid AskiaPortal instance. (5037) | |
InvalidLicensesKeyInConfigFile | 5038 | The licenses key in the AskiaPortal.config file is invalid. (5038) | |
MessageBrokerError | 5039 | Message broker error (5039) | |
MessageBrokerTimeout | 5040 | Message broker timed out. (5040) | |
UnexpectedMethodInvocation | 6000 | Unexpected method invocation. (6000) | |
UnableToSetEnvConfigAlreadyInit | 6001 | Unable to set the environment because the configuration has already been initialized. Please call `SetEnvironment` method before to initialize the config. (6001) | |
UnableToResetCurrentUser | 6002 | Unable to set the current user because it has already been defined in the context. (6002) | |
UnableToSetCurrentUserNullDisallow | 6003 | Unable to set the `null` as current user. (6003) | |
OwnerEntityDisallowNullPocoArgument | 6004 | The constructor of `OwnerEntity` base class disallow null `pocoData` argument. (6004) | |
UnableToReloadNonExistingOwnerEntity | 6005 | Unable to reload a non-existing `OwnerEntity` (Id=0). (6005) | |
CurrentModuleNotInitialized | 6006 | The current module was not initialized. Consider to call the method `AskiaPortalCmnApi.InitializeModule`. (6006) | |
CurrentModuleAlreadyInitialized | 6007 | The current module has already been initialized. Consider to call ONLY ONE TIME the method `AskiaPortalCmnApi.InitializeModule`. (6007) | |
UnableToInitializeModuleVersionGreaterThanRegisredVersion | 6008 | Unable to initialize the module `{0}`, the specified version `{0}` is greater than the registred version `{2}`. (6008) | |
UnableToInitializeModuleTooOldVersion | 6009 | Unable to initialize the module `{0}`, the specified version `{0}` is too old compare with the registred version `{2}`. (6009) | |
UnableToSetNullValueInDefaultConfig | 6010 | Unable to set a `null` value in the default configuration. (6010) | |
UnableToSetNullOrEmptyConfigKey | 6011 | Unable to set a `null` or empty configuration key. (6011) | |
UnableToSetUnmanagedValueTypeInDefaultConfig | 6012 | Unable to set an unmanaged type value in the default config. Accepted types are `string`, `bool`, `int`, `double` or `guid`. (6012) | |
UnableToChangeTypeValueOfConfig | 6013 | Unable to change the type value of the configuration `{0}`. (6013) | |
UnableToSaveModuleInvalidInfo | 6014 | Unable to save the module, some information provided are invalid. (6014) | |
Unmanaged | 9999 | Unmanaged exception. (Not managed by the current API) (9999) |
Exception codes range | Description |
4000-4999 |
Client Error:
Incorrect, invalid or unexpected inputs. (Incorrect login, password, user not authorized etc...) |
5000-5999 |
Server Error:
Inputs are valid but the API failed to process. (Database exception, File system exception etc...) |
6000-6999 |
Implementation Exception:
Exception occurred because an unexpected API call. (Methods invocation in incorrect order etc...) |