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Management of surveys

The main feature of the AskiaPortal is to provide modules able to manage Askia surveys (creation, collect interviews, analyze interviews...)

To be accessible across modules, a survey must be referenced in the AskiaPortal database.

This topic contains the following sections:

Meta data

AskiaPortal is not intended to store everything about the surveys, but provide a centralized point to access it across modules.

It stores few meta data: Name, Description, State.

Serialized data

As describe in the above section, AskiaPortal mostly store few survey meta data. However, this is sometimes not enough to make a survey available in different modules.

For that reason a serialized version of the survey (format of .QEX file), could also be available in the table SurveySerializedData and through the API methods ISurveyGetSerializedData / ISurveySetSerializedData

See Also