![]() | Factories |
Factories are use to generate and manage global objects (everything that is not within a Survey).
This topic contains the following sections:
Class: SurveyFactory
The Survey Factory is used to create, access and delete Surveys.
It also contains the Survey cache allowing to retrieve data without necessarily querying the database.
Class: ContextFactory
The Context Factory is mainly used to generate an empty context representing a session-like object.
The context will then typically be filled with information and passed down to all the different functions.
Class: LanguageFactory
The Language Factory is used to manage all the existing languages of the world.
It is usually used to retrieve the global list of Languages and does not allow any form of editing.
Class: ControlsFactory
The Control Factory represents the library of Controls the user has access to.
It is the source from where users can add Controls to Surveys.
Class: PageTemplatesFactory
The PageTemplate Factory represents the library of PageTemplates the user has access to.
It is the source from where users can add PageTemplates to Surveys.
Class: ThemesFactory
The Themes Factory represents the library of Themes the user has access to.
It is the source from where users can add Themes to Surveys.